

Gems and Jewels is a creative space for sharing stories of our days and times. Even a day ordinary in nature holds treasure as it unfolds. 

This is a place to embrace our treasures, to hold fast to the jewels in our nature, in our uniqueness, and our oneness. If you have lived, filled your lungs with oxygen, shared with another, you have a tale to share.

Our light shines in its brilliance, each of us a precious gem.

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Fix It

There was a generation who repaired, not replaced, that mended, not tossed, who still may have a darning tool that looks like an egg with a handle. Who still remembers the little shop on Main Street near Chandler where you could bring an appliance to be re-wired? Yes, fixed! Craftsmen knew how to repair almost…

Nine to Ninety at The Village in Worcester, MA

In celebration of Black History, hosted by The Village, a joyful, brilliant group of Black women authors met together and welcomed the public. The nine-year old author, Grace, shared her two books. One book, a memoir, artfully shares her interesting, challenging young life. Her second publication is a beautiful, large coloring book. Along with other…

Thirty-Four Faces on My Wall

The message came to the alumni. “We are closing the library in Thayer Hall and class photographs will be placed in storage. Any one who would like their class group photo may come and remove it.” As class secretary, I went immediately and claimed the class of 1952 B. It is indeed a gem. Not…

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